Crashify Mobile Application Design & development

Crashify eliminates the traditional hassles of paperwork and manual processing. From the moment an accident is reported, our app guides users through a straightforward, step-by-step process to document the incident, capturing essential details and images directly from their smartphone or tablet.

Our advanced integration with insurance company APIs enables automatic claim submissions and status updates. As soon as the necessary information is gathered, Crashify processes and sends it directly to the insurer, drastically reducing the time and effort required for both appraisers and clients.


Mobile Application Design & Development


Approximately 16 - 17 weeks


Flutter, Firebase, and React

Key Features of Crashify

Benefits for Your Office

Mockup 4
Mockup 5
Mockup 6
Mockup 7


Let’s talk?

Ready to turn your ideas into reality? Let’s talk! Whether you’re looking to kickstart a new project, explore potential collaborations, or simply have a chat about how I can help you succeed, I’m here to listen.



+43 678 1251911